may the wors be with you

Friday, August 25, 2006

shot okes

dodge & vix, thanks for dinner - unbelievable. pearl and panth, keep it real on the westside. urly, like i said - blog is real. nige, you rock. little, naku.

hey punkasses

bigoop to the westsideblogmassiev. there has been a lotta talk... but now there will be more talk. jabrewidunnohey. this is first my entry into bloggerama. it may a bit overdue, but hey, you gotta get amongst it. so to little, izzie and especially urly, here's some evidence for you. its real. blogville is real. this is what we have been training for. blahblahblaaaah. tune me whatwhat and some what. we at the chospock blog hq are fully againest any holdback, so bring the wordup. i lookin' forward and oopwahd to sum word. but remember to keep your english reduced and real.